2008年1月11日 星期五

Final Exam-Individual

Topic1: How to enjoy life more?
We can roughly divide the person into two kinds of personalities: optimism and pessimism. The person who is optimistic looks the bright side towards everything. As a result ,these kind of people may enjoy their life more because they can release the bad moods easily .On the other hand ,people who is pessimistic have their perspectives on life is full of negative things so they can’t relax themselves to see and live in a happier way .What they can do is take things lightly and not be too critical to themselves because things aren’t going so bad ,just relax !Open up your mind to view afresh this world and people around you and you’ll find that there is still something good in it .When you are happy ,everything you see is perfect ;then ,you will complain less and enjoy your life more!
Topic2: A life-changing experience.
I will say going to the high school ,HSNU ,change my life .In my junior high, I studied in a private girl school so my personality is a little serious and shy .When I entered to the high school ,I find it is quiet different from before. The tone in the school is so free that we live as a college student .The relationship between teachers and students is more like friends .Most important, I have known some good friends .They give me some ideas and look things in a different way which I’ve never thought before .They teach me don’t be too serious and fitly have some fun in my life.
Topic3: The music you listen to
The sort of music I listen to is popular music and some English old songs. The elements of music have melody, lyrics, beats, sound, etc. And the element that attract me the most is lyrics which are simple but hit my heart and build a connection between the song and the listener. The musician I like recently is “Soda Green” a student band. Besides the melody is good, the lyrics really touched my heart.
Topic4: The role of music in your life
Music is part of my life. I am used to playing music when I am alone. I sing when I am taking a shower and no matter I am in a good mood or bad mood. When I feel sad or upset, I listen to the rock music to cheer me up. When I am happy, I play some light music to share my happiness. Through music I can release my emotions and relax myself. And because of the company of music, I will not feel lonely even if I am alone. Music is really indispensable in my life.
Topic5: The benefits of music
Music can benefit in many ways such as emotional, social, physical, and intellectual. For example, first, it releases one’s emotions helping you to control your emotion better. Second, it makes you easily to get along with others because you have some topics to carry on a conversation with others. Third, it can sooth patients’ pain and let people sleep nicely. Last but not least, it can improve children’s study because music helps them concentrate.
Topic6: Financial IQ
I think money is important in our life. My spending habit is I will set a line how much I can spend this month and keep track of it. To earn a lot of money, you should not only work hard but also do some financial plans. My financial goal is make NT$30 million when I retire. I have made some plans to achieve my goals, that is when my savings arrive some level, I will divide it into several parts to do some investment such as buying funds or stocks. The earlier you start to manage your money, the more you will earn.
Topic7: What would you do if you won a 10 million NT lottery ?
If I won a 10 million NT lottery, I will divide it into three parts. One, I will donate to the charity to help the poor, the orphaned hoping that it can improve their environment and live a better life. Another, I will do some investment or deposit in the bank to earn more money. Third, I will take it to do what I want to do such as traveling around the world with my family expanding my horizon. After all, life is short, trying to catch the opportunities to do what you desire because money can’t buy the time.
Topic8: Appropriate dress
What you wear depends on where you go .If you go to a formal occasion, you should wear suit and leather shoes. If you go to a casual occasion such as a home party, you can wear T-shirt and pants but avoid being dirty and blowsy. My brother had an embarrassing experience about wearing wrong. He is a kind of person who don ’ t care his looks. Once we went to a restaurant. He wore slippers and he thought that is fine. But everyone in the restaurant looked at him in a strange eye not only because it is inappropriate but also it is noisy. As a result, he felt very uncomfortable during the time. He has learned a lesson to wear appropriate.
Topic9: Fashion and style
Fashion is changing all the time. Things that are popular now and everyone wants to have them may be old-fashioned next year. But somehow it will be hot again in the years. I think the best style is simple. Don’t change with fashion because it will cost you too much time and money. Simplicity is suitable all the time. It may not be very fashionable but it’s not going to be old-fashioned. After all, simplicity is beautiful!
Topic10: On becoming beautiful
The stars on TV have influence on our concept of beauty. It seems that girls who must be thin and have big bust are considered as beauty. How skin-deep it is! The true beauty is from our heart. If you have a kind, soft heart, people will ignore your appearance and think you are beautiful because of your heart. But if you are bad, doing bad things, people will think you are ugly no matter how pretty you are. The fairy tale” Snow White ” has already told us this conception!
